Friday, May 30, 2008

National Museum of Ecuador

So today I feel much better. Giovanni is going to take me back to the others in the area of Las Damas near Alluriquin tomorrow. I am excited to finally get to work on our project and hopefully make some progress in the next week. Today was probably the nicest day we have had here in Quito. The sun was out and it was great (May is the unofficial end of the rainy season). So, I got out and explored Quito a little more. I went to the National Museum of Ecuador, regarded as the finest in the country. They have a great archaeology room containing artifacts from the past peoples of Ecuador including the Incas. There is also an impressive ¨gold room¨ full of precolumbian metal works of gold, silver, and copper. On the second and third floors there is nice collection of Colonial and Contemporary religious and folk art. All for only 1 dollar!! It was nice to get out and explore the city a little more. Hope all is well back in Ohio. Look for another update soon. Until then...Adios.

1 comment:

Lauren said...

Mark, I'm glad you're feeling better! Got back to the States yesterday- it's nice to be home but I miss Italy already. I have really enjoyed reading your updates! :o)